Surfing with the Alien

Last updated 174 weeks ago via Decal Plugin
Titles (17)
Surfing with the Alien Female Viamontian War Mage  
212,028 / 15,000,000
Total Experience (XP):
XP for next level:
Character Level 202718
Strength (30000) 30190
Endurance (61500) 61690
Coordination (620420) 620610
Quickness (2000) 2190
Focus (23732) 23922
Self (5112) 5302
Health 31041 / 31041
Stamina 61886 / 61886
Mana 5498 / 5498
Skill Credits Available: 37
Unassigned Experience: 292,023,027,500
Surfing with the Alien Female Viamontian War Mage  
212,028 / 15,000,000
Total Experience (XP):
XP for next level:
Character Level 202718
Specialized Skills ?
Alchemy 215080
Arcane Lore 8210
Armor Tinkering 43042
Assess Creature 236
Assess Person 236
Cooking 215080
Creature Enchantment 7542
Deception 236
Dirty Fighting 217169
Dual Wield 413976
Finesse Weapons 207836
Fletching 215080
Healing 215080
Heavy Weapons 217169
Item Enchantment 7542
Item Tinkering 322502
Jump 325636
Leadership 236
Life Magic 7542
Light Weapons 217169
Lockpick 215080
Loyalty 236
Magic Defense 4411
Magic Item Tinkering 24158
Mana Conversion 5107
Melee Defense 207836
Missile Defense 124796
Missile Weapons 310541
Recklessness 11029
Run 2426
Salvaging 236
Shield 325636
Sneak Attack 207836
Summoning 22567
Two Handed Combat 217169
Void Magic 7542
War Magic 7542
Weapon Tinkering 27292
Trained Skills ?
Name Uses
Ciandra's Essence 1
Yoshi's Essence 1
Jibril's Essence 1
Celdiseth's Essence 1
Koga's Essence 1
Shadow of the Seventh Mule 1
Clutch of the Miser 3
Enduring Enchantment 1
Quick Learner 1
Ciandra's Fortune 4
Archmage's Endurance 5
Infused Creature Magic 1
Infused Item Magic 1
Infused Life Magic 1
Infused War Magic 1
Master of the Steel Circle 1
Frenzy of the Slayer 1
Jack of All Trades 1
Infused Void Magic 1
Name Uses
Valor / Destruction 4210
Protection 384
Glory / Retribution 5
Temperance / Hardening 5
Aetheric Vision 5
Mana Flow 5
Mana Infusion 5
Purity 5
World 9
Name Uses
Vitality 9
Birth 2021-03-21T02:50:07+00:00
Deaths 30
Aetheria Slots 3
Melee Swords
Ranged 9
Summoning Naturalist
Allegiance Chain
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